Safer physical intervention for security personnel

If you are currently working as a security officer, door supervisory or bouncer you should be trained to handle every kind of difficult situation that may arise whilst on duty. As a security personnel it is inevitable that you will at some point need to use force to resolve a situation which can get dangerous. For security personnel physical intervention should only ever be used as a last resort. This is because physical intervention can- Increase the risk of harm to staff and customers Result in prosecution if the physical intervention was unnecessary Lead to allegations against staff and potential loss of licence/employment Examples of last resort situations include Where necessary to prevent harm When other options have failed, or are likely to fail When it is not possible or appropriate to withdraw Alternative to physical intervention Primary controls Following employer’s safety and security policy, procedures and working practices Use of safety and security equipment and technology Secondary Controls Positive and effective interpersonal communication and the knowledge and skills of conflict management to de-escalate conflict situations and reduce the need of physical intervention Your responsibility during the physical intervention All staff involved in physical intervention have a responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone involved When more than one member of staff is involved in the physical intervention one of them must take charge of the situation Use the least forceful option Maintain duty of care subject to the subject following restraint You should respect the dignity of people being restraint wherever possible Provide appropriate medical attention to any person who appears to be injured or at risk Challenge unnecessary and excessive use of force by colleagues Your responsibility immediately after a physical intervention De-escalate a restraint at the earliest opportunity Maintain duty of care to the subject following use of force/restraint Provide appropriate medical attention who appears to be injured or at risk Tell the emergency services about the circumstances, position, duration of any difficulties experienced in a restraint event Preserve evidence and secure witnesses Staff involved must fully report and account individually for their actions Reducing the risk of physical intervention Choose the least forceful intervention practicable: The physical intervention with the least force and potential to cause injury to the subject in achieving the legitimate objective Avoid high-risk positions including ground restrains Avoid high-risk methods of restraining, such as neck holds and other holds that can adversely affect breathing or circulation Keep up communication between staff and subject during the following restraint Monitor the wellbeing of the subject of intervention for adverse reactions Ensure that leadership and teamwork happen, including the importance of someone taking a lead role and for others to support a team member Ensure practice follows the procedures taught De-escalate physical intervention at the earliest opportunity Follow emergency procedures: Immediately release and assist subject if he or she complains of, or demonstrates signs of, breathlessness or other adverse reactions Record and report restraints in line with employer and venue procedures Positional (or restraint) asphyxia – what is it? Positional asphyxia occurs mostly during ground restraints, although can also occur in other positions. This is where a person is held forcefully, face down or face up, on the floor. Many people have died as a result of positional asphyxia during forceful restraint. Others have suffered permanent brain damage linked to oxygen deprivation. You should avoid restraints that carry a heightened risk of positional asphyxia. Positional asphyxia kills – be aware of the sign What can cause positional asphyxia? Method of restraint: Positional asphyxia typically occurs during forceful restraint involving weight or pressure on the torso. All forceful restraints on the ground carry heightened risk. Position: Forceful holds in certain positions increase risks of positional asphyxia. These positions include face up or face down restraint, either on the ground or another surface such as a bed or bar/counter. Also seated or standing positions where breathing and/or circulation are compromised e.g. by being bent forward. Duration: The longer a person is held in a position and/or by a method carrying a heightened risk of positional asphyxia, the longer their exposure to risk and subsequently potential for harm and death. What to do in a medical emergency Follow your emergency procedures and training which can include: Immediately cease the restraint (if restraint was being applied) • Check Airway – Breathing – Circulation (A-B-C) Place in the recovery position Call appropriate emergency services Commence CPR/defibrillator if necessary Provide emergency services with a briefing that includes anything known about the person affected that may help their assessment and treatment. Include details of any restraint including the method, position and duration Recognising Acute Behavioural Disturbance/ Excited Delirium/Psychosis This is a term used to cover a combination of physical and psychological factors including: High temperature Bizarre behaviour Sustained mental and physical exhaustion and metabolic acidosis Psychosis, which can result from mental illness and/or be drug induced. Signs include hallucinations, paranoia and extreme fear This combination of circumstances can result in sudden death, and signs should be treated as a medical emergency. Act on ‘red flags’ during or following a restraint Effort with breathing Blocked airway and/or vomiting Passivity or reduced consciousness Passivity or reduced consciousness Signs of head or spinal injury Facial swelling Evidence of alcohol or drug overdose Blueness around lips, face or nails Individual held complaining of difficulty breathing High body temperature, profuse sweating/hot skin Exhaustion Confusion, disorientation and incoherence Hallucinations, delusions, mania, paranoia Bizarre behaviour Extreme fear High resistance and abnormal strength Don’t forget to refresh your training! It is crucial that you keep your physical intervention knowledge and skills current, for two principal reasons: Legislation and guidance around physical intervention can change Your proficiency in physical skills, if not practised, will decrease over time. This could reduce your ability to intervene appropriately and effectively, and increase the risks to you and others (Reference)

Why you should choose an ACS approved security company

In recent years the security sector has exploded and when searching for a security company the market is wider than ever before. Though there is a lot of competition out there, here at G3 Security Ltd we are confident in the quality of service we provide. A signifier of this is our ACS accreditations and approval. Most security companies nowadays are regulating on their own terms however we are proud to say that we as an employer of guards and a supplier to clients, are proud to have high ethical and moral standards and codes of conduct that ensure that we are working in accordance with the law and additionally going the extra mile for our clients and employees. Down below is a little bit on information that clients should know when considering the differences between an ACS proved security company and a regular security company. Using an Approved Contractor Choosing an ACS accredited supplier for the provision of your contract security services will help you to meet your security obligations to your staff, shareholders and other stakeholders. Approved contractors are demonstrably committed to customer service and the compulsory licensing of their staff. This means their customers can rest assured that every private security operative deployed on their premises will be working within the law. The benefits of using an Approved Contractor are wide-ranging and briefly summarised below   Continuity of Service Suppliers of security services who are not Approved Contractors are only able to deploy staff that physically hold a valid SIA licence; to do otherwise is a criminal offence. Approved Contractors could be given special dispensation to deploy staff who have completed their training and are waiting for their SIA licence application to be processed. Approved Contractors will therefore be able to offer greater flexibility and operational effectiveness when supplying security services. Best Practice and Continuity of Quality You can be confident that the employment practices of the supplier have been extensively assessed in respect of quality and best practice. Should the Approved Contractor sub-contract, you can be assured that they will only do so to other SIA Approved Contractors, thereby maintaining the integrity of your security supply. Clear Customer Focus and Increased Flexibility You can expect effective customer-focused procedures in place to overcome any issues that arise in service delivery. The ACS Standard encourages service customisation, rather than ‘off-the-shelf’ packages. This will help ensure that the services delivered more closely reflect your precise requirements. Leadership and Innovation The ACS is a progressive quality initiative. It’s also a voluntary scheme. You can expect accredited providers to be highly responsive to change and swift to adopt new methods and best practices. The Extended Police Family The status of the ACS is recognised by the police and offers the potential for enhanced working relationships. The aim is to provide practical benefits through ‘joined-up’ police, business and community initiatives. ACS approved companies have a quality standard chain of supply. This ensures that everything that they buy has been through quality management regulations by their suppliers for ethical purposes. ACS approved businesses have good payment records to both their suppliers and their employees. ACS approval also ensures that all the guards that are provided to clients are screed thoroughly as according to B57858/2012 standards. G3 Security Ltd hold very high standards of work hence why we have been awarded major contracts by businesses that share our moral and ethical interests. If you would like more information on the benefits of working with an ACS approved company, I have linked below a handbook you are able to read through. Additionally, if you would like to enquire about out services, please do not hesitate to get in contact either via out website on or have a chat with one of our customer service advisers on 02032880000 or 02032880011.      

The rise of knife crime in London

Knife crime in London in recent months has risen to the highest ever recorded levels with 15,0000 offences being committee during last year according to official figures released by the Metropolitan police. I find it alarming that in recent months it has become uncommon to come across news of stabbings every other day from newspapers, television to social media. Amongst all the horrific stories of stabbing in London, there was one which really alarmed us as a security company and that was the story of Tudor Simionov a bouncer killed on duty whilst protecting his colleagues from a group of thugs trying to enter an exclusive Mayfair party. Tudor relocated from Romania to London to build a better life for him and his fiancé without ever considering the possibility that it is here, in the prosperous city that he will take his final breath. Tudor did more than what was expected of him as a security guard by putting himself in harm’s way as he fought ten men alone to protect those around him. Tudor was fatally stabbed in the middle of the chest and tragically died the death of a hero from his injuries at the scene of the crime. Factors influencing knife crime There are many factors which have contributed to this rise in knife crime in London one of the main reasons being the cuts made by the government to the security sector and their reluctancy to invest in social sector for youth. The cuts made to policing is where the cycle begins as it gives criminals more confidence to carry on doing what they are doing.   The lack of social support that is available for the youth to keep them out of trouble is another factor which has contributed to the rise in knife crime. Today’s youth are getting involved in crime due to the lack of social support that they are receiving outside of the education system. Thus, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that young adults are congregating in street coroner and public parks in groups and getting involved in criminal activity when there are not many other alternative opportunities offered to them. It is here that gangs are either formed or young adults are recruited into gangs and taken into a world of crime. Postcode wars are a good example of how the lack of opportunity offered to young adults has directly resulted in the rise of knife crime as gangs are constructed based on the locality of their members. Thus, when petty fights break out between members belonging to different localities, they can often turn dangerous fast. Social media is also another factor of blame when considering the rise of knife crime in London, as these young adults take their social media brawls to the streets having faceoffs. Social media is also a tool which allows others to access information about where you are making it easier to target specific people. The tragic death of Tudor Simionov has forced us to rethink about the safety of those that are obliged to keep us safe. Therefore, in order to prevent anything like this happening to one of our guards we are looking into providing those that are placed on rough sites with anti-stab vests and appropriate training to deal with difficult situations. In accordance with the SIA, we will be advising our Door Supervisors that they ‘should only use physical intervention as a last resort, and never use more force than is necessary’ [1] We will also advise to use the ‘RUN, HIDE, TELL’ method to deal with any individual who acts in a threatening manner. For more information please visit: [1] Tweet on Twitter from @SIAuk on Friday 4th January 2019 at 12pm  

Why your hotel requires manned guarding

Managing a hotel is undeniably a challenging task due to the continuous fluidity of guests coming onto and leaving the premises, essentially, making it difficult to keep tabs on security. In essence, a hotel is a site providing conditional hospitality to its guests. It Is, for its guests, a trusted secure and comfortable space within which they are able to relax and enjoy their stay. It is the responsibility of hotel management to ensure that the hotel is a safe and secure place for each and every guest. For this reason, the arrangement of security personnel should be one of managements initial priorities. Hotels require round the clock security and here at G3 Security Ltd we suggest that the best form of this is manned guarding as the presence of a security personal does not only provide your guests with piece of mind however they also enact as a repellent. Hotel premises, surrounding areas and car parks are an easy target for criminals. Vandals will be looking for any opportunity to steal guests’ personal belongings or car while their owners are pre-occupied. G3 Security officers are fully trained to deal and prevent with such Issues. Our hotel security team will ensure that your premises are well protected against any unauthorised access or occupation and to protect the property against damage by force of entry and theft. The inclusion of amenities such as bars, pubs and restaurant within most larger hotels draw in not only guests but also customers which on evening and weekends see frequent crowding. Often, after a few drinks on a Friday night it is not uncommon to see a fight break out at the bar causing disruption and possible unease to guests witnessing the disturbance. Hence, security personal on site do not only enact as solutions to such disruptions however they maintain piece of mind of visitors to the hotel. Here at G3 Security Ltd, we offer manned guarding and comprehensive hotel security solutions for safety and security of your clients and customers and helping your guest to have a great night’s sleep. Be it budget or boutique, hotel or holiday home we offer the same guarantee. Having worked with some big names in the hospitality sector we are experienced with and trusted to provide the best quality service in the business. Therefore, we ensure that any security officer we send to you is committed, responsible, reliable and highly competent within the hotel security industry. We also offer an out of hours security service for your staff if you do not wish us to hold the keys to the premises. We will meet your member of staff at the hotel and check the premises with them, so they are not in any danger, remaining with them until the alarm is reset and the premises are secure or in event of a break in, waiting until the police arrive. The roles and responsibilities of G3 Security Ltd personnel working within hotels Internal and external site patrols including parking area Authorised room checks Staff and customer harassment prevention Access control Conduct regular site patrols to ensure ground floor windows are closed and have not been broken into. Check that all guests are behaving in an acceptable way and keeping their volume low. Monitor any alcohol usage in the hotel and ensure guests are not disturbed by any anti-social behaviour. Highlight any health and safety issues to hotel management to be swiftly resolved. Maintain the same level of respect for guests as hotel staff. Surveillance of security cameras Concierge duties if required Door supervision if required Check calls (We can implement our guard patrol monitoring system to your site to ensure our guards are completing their patrols and allow you to monitor what areas need further patrols) We are available for one-off, ad-hoc, event cover, temporary, short-term or long-term cover in the day or night or when your hotel staff/concierge cannot make their shift. Our offices are open 24/7, 365 days a year allowing us to accommodate all last-minute security requirements. We pride ourselves on being able to cover all hotels nationwide and not let our customers down, especially in an emergency situation. Please call on 02032880000 / 02032880011 or email it to book in your security requirement.

10 tips on how to keep your property safe during the Christmas period

  THE FESTIVE SEASON IS HERE! It is time for family gathering and long over-due catch-up’s with our old school friends. Undeniably, it is such occasions like Christmas that bring cheer to our lives as we reconnect at the old local pub, a mutual favourite restaurant or our childhood home all cosy around the fireplace. However, amongst all this festive spirit, we mustn’t forget to keep our properties safe. The Christmas period is a prosperous time for burglars and squatters. The expensive gifts neatly packed away under your Christmas tree along with your justified absence from home (last minute Christmas shoppers like me or boozing late night in the pub with friends) provides the best opportunity for burglars to enter the treasure troves that are our homes and our vacant properties It was reported last year that the number of burglaries, thefts and robberies committed over the Christmas period reached an alarming peak. According to new research as reported by the Daily Mail ‘The Christmas fortnight saw more than a 20 percent more offences in 2016 than three years earlier in 2014. The number of thefts rose from 11,804 to 15,148 while burglaries were up from 5,222 to 6,278. Robberies rose from 674 to 918’ and these statistics rose a considerable amount in 2017 as expected. This is because the winter months are especially tempting for burglars as longer nights provide more opportunity for crime to take place under the cover of darkness, therefore it’s important to remain vigilant and ensure your home is adequately protected.   Below I have listed 10 step’s you can take to safeguard your personal and professional spaces during the Christmas period. Install a security and fire alarm- (and if you already have one make sure that it works) Take advantage of those nosey neighbours and create a neighbourhood group chat- Sometimes nosey neighbours can prove to be extremely useful! Creating a group chat on WhatsApp with a member of each household from your street will allow everyone to communicate their concerns if they suspect any suspicious activity. Improve lighting- No lighting or dim lighting is usually the first indicator of a vacant property to burglars. Therefore, either install sensor active lighting or timer lighting to deter burglars. (And if you’re old fashioned like and want to save some money, leave your passage and porch lights on) Install security cameras-For your piece of mind, it would be beneficial to install security cameras, so you are able to keep watchful eye over your property even when you are physical absent from it (Perfect for those of you are planning on escaping to warmer continent to celebrate your holidays. However, if like myself you are not so fortunate enough to be able to do this, security cameras are a great way to keep track of what’s going on whilst you’re out doing your last-minute Christmas shopping or on a night late night out with your friends) Make sure your property is easily accessible- You can do this by introducing high fences and railings. (This will make it harder for burglars to get both in and out) Don’t broadcast your absence- I know this one may be a little difficult during the era of social media, but it is important not to overshare too much information about your whereabouts. Social media makes it easier for people to be targeted as burglars can monitor your every move. Therefore, make sure your posts are restricted to ‘private’ on Facebook, twitter and Instagram so nobody you don’t know can keep tabs on your whereabouts. Keep your tree out of sight of windows- It has become a somewhat festive tradition which I can’t deny Is absolutely beautiful to look at, this however, isn’t the movies. If you know that you live in a neighbourhood that has recently been targeted by burglars or has seen a rise in criminal activity, then it would be wise to advertise your tree and presents by placing it directly in front of a window. Don’t leave discarded boxes of expensive items (e.g. TVs, iPads, desktop computers) outside the house after Christmas. They simply advertise what’s been added to your home contents and enable burglars to work out where they should focus their attention. Double check that your doors and windows are locked before leaving your properly. Ensure that you have the right level of home contents insurance. If you are spending a small fortune on gifts at Christmas, remember to inform your insurer that you’ll have new, expensive items under your roof. Arrange for a mobile patrol to check your areas- If the area in which you live has a reputation of burglaries, thefts and robberies and you suspect that your property is at risk of being burgled mobile patrolling is worth consideration. G3 Security Ltd have noticed a high increase in companies and private individuals taking our mobile patrol services. This service best suits businesses looking to maintain a high level of security and safety at their premises or site, but who do always not have the requirement for a static security officer. Our mobile patrol service is the most cost-effective, efficient alternative to the presence of a static security guard. We offer mobile patrolling services of both residential and commercial buildings. Our security guards are available both day and night allowing you the peace of mind that your property is always safeguarded. Set up a key holding contract with a reputable security company who will control access to your property or building- Key Holding and Alarm Response is a simple and cost-effective security solution for companies wishing to secure their premises during out of office hours. At G3 Security Ltd we offer this service to ensure our clients that a guard to respond to any intruder alerts, fire alarm activations and other issues. Organise for a security guard to house sit your property while you are away- This is a new service we offer here at G3 Security Ltd in response to the rise of thefts, burglaries and robberies in residential areas during

Useful security tips for small businesses

A lot of small business owners often neglect taking active security precautions till the time there is a serious incident. However, as a small business owner you should understand that you are equally (if not more) prone to burglaries and thefts as any other bigger business. Here are some tips you can follow: Don’t base all your security solutions on just one single method (for example, CCTV cameras), instead, use a variety of measures. Train your staff well in handling suspicious behaviour. They should always be on alert against any suspicious activity under their watch. Regularly, check your alarms and other security systems to ensure that they are working in proper condition. From time to time, whenever you change your key holder, make sure that their details are updated with the Police. Also evaluate your insurance policies and check to see if you need any additional cover. Refrain from putting up a ‘We are closed’ board as it could easily be an invitation for thieves. Check all access points to ensure that they can’t be tampered with easily. Tag all your equipments and machinery as a deterrent. Don’t keep a lot of cash in office and also vary your cash transfer routine to the bank every time. Keep an eye out for crimes in your locality or against similar businesses in the area. Always keep your business well lit, even at nights. Where possible use break-in alarm systems, silent alarms and motion detectors. Switch to card access system for better security. Use security guards. They act as the best possible deterrent! Also; Restrict access to sensitive areas in the building. Shred any documents that contain personal information securely so that it may not fall in wrong hands. Conduct a background search before hiring any employee. Security company in London Powered by Colm

The importance of a detailed site risk assessment in the security industry

Site risk assessment before commencement of any new sites Risk assessment is a logical as well as consistent method of assessing the assets, their vulnerabilities, associated risks and their impact. By conducting a detailed site risk assessment, you can reduce the damage from any potential risks to an acceptable cost. To understand the importance of a detailed site risk assessment in the security industry, we need to familiarise ourselves with a few terms: Risk – It is the potential of loss or damage to an asset. Asset – It can be a person or property, information or activity; anything with value to it’s owner. Impact – It is the amount of damage or loss that could be caused by an adversary. Threat – It is the potential to cause damage or loss to the asset. Adversary – It can be anyone – a group or an individual, that wants to cause damage to an asset. Vulnerability – It is any weakness that can be used by the adversary to access the asset. Countermeasures – These are actions on the part of the owner, taken to reduce vulnerabilities. Cost-Benefit Analysis – It is part of the decision making process where the management considers the costs and benefits of each proposed alternative and selects the most viable option available. What can a professional Risk Manager do for you? While identifying potential security risks for your site, the Risk Manager would look for ways to: Reduce damage to your business Eliminate or control any indicators Utilise your security budget in a cost-effective way Minimise intelligence collection by any adversaries They will then formulate a strategy to – Identify vulnerabilities in security Manipulate indicators to deceive your adversaries Apply countermeasures Modify countermeasures from time to time The strategy they develop would depend on the needs of your organisation, the current laws and policies in place, expected risks to your site as well as your security budget. With a professional risk assessment of your new site, we will assess your assets, threats to them and  any vulnerabilities that can be exploited. We will then go on to assess risks and devise countermeasure options for you to implement, and at each step of the way we will advise you with the costs and benefits, so you would always know what to expect and decide on what is necessary. For a FREE site risk assessment call us now on 020 3288 0000/0011 or email Powered by Colm

Want to be a security guard? Here’s what you need to know about the job

The job of a security guard is extremely challenging. Your responsibilities may include protecting people or keeping houses and companies safe and secure from intruders and thieves. If you are seriously thinking of taking this as a profession, the below information is intended to provide a brief knowledge about the job requirements and responsibilities. Skills: A security  guard is required to have some basic set of skills. Such as: Politeness Well-mannered Honest and Responsible Good level of physical fitness Basic understanding of technology Good decision-making skills Brave, focussed, and Alert Good writing skills for making short reports Qualification: Most security guard jobs  require the candidate to have a Security Industry ( SIA) front line license. The SIA licencies vary depending upon the  different roles ie. CCTV operation and Personal Security might require different security license. So it’s essential to make sure that the training course you are taking covers your field of interest.   For any SIA license,  you’ll have to pass the SIA training from a college or centres which offers it.  Your criminal history is of importance and  should be clear  as these are checked regularly by most hiring security agencies Job:  As a security official, you might work  in different kinds of  industry. Each role varies and is proportional to the industry you are working in.  Common roles include: Patrolling or monitoring premises like companies, houses, or airport. Providing personal security Safe and secure transport of valuables or individuals from one point to another Customer care and assistance Guarding Doors Dog handling Working hours: Most security jobs involve working in shifts. The hours may vary depending about  the role or the needs of the situation. You can expect to work for around 48 hours/week. Powered by Colm

Which equipments are used by security guards?

Security guard jobs involve protecting both people and property. They look out for any threats or illegal activities and also limit access to sensitive areas. Upholding the law often means that they can be easily susceptible to many unforeseen dangers. Even though specialist security guards working in high-level security duties use specialised gear, for others in the business it’s similar, regular equipment. Everyday tools Security officers normally carry a flash-light with them, the size of which depends on their duty. They also carry walkie-talkies, however now some guards rely on their cellphones. In addition, they use handcuffs to detain people who may come off as suspects and keep emergency kits like fire and first aid within reach. Some security guards also carry a whistle or a hand-held alarm to use in emergencies. Uniform Security personnel often wear a hat or a jacket that sets them apart from the general populace. Sometimes they carry a badge or have a patch sewn in their clothing that says ‘Security’. Their uniforms are designed for comfort as they often work for long hours at a go. Sometimes, they also wear gloves or masks when conducting physical searches for harmful material. Monitoring To monitor people or property, security guards use equipments like CCTVs, binoculars, audio recording devices, metal detectors, x-ray screens, etc. They can also be using vehicles such as a bike or a van to patrol an area. Self-Defence Sometimes, security personnel may be called on to defend themselves, their client or the general public. In order to do so effectively, they are trained for physical intervention. an initial health and safety assessment is done to ensure guards safety and reviewed regularly. Office Work For their daily work, security officers also need to submit reports or duty logs. They do it by filing reports on a computer or by carrying a log book. They might also need equipment such as access control key-cards or barcode badges to access restricted areas. Powered by Colm

Why security automation can never replace security guards

With the advent of sophisticated technology in the security industry, many private and public sectors have turned towards it for their security solutions. This has resulted in creating the conception that there is no more need of security guards. Which is an extremely dangerous idea, both for the companies and the security industry. Here are a few points why technology can never replace security guards Flexibility: Unlike technology which can be installed only at particular set points and have limited scanning perspective which can create blind spots, security guards provide the advantage of movement. Decision-making: Programmed systems can handle only a set of problems. Security guards are versatile decision-makers and capable of adapting themselves to any unexpected situations. Real-time response: Quick response is an important aspect when it comes to security. Compared to automated systems which only prompt police officials during emergencies, security guards respond and can tackle emergencies in a very short period. Cannot be hacked: In today’s world, where every system is prone to hacking, trained security guards provide a reliable solution. A human element: Having security guards taking care of you provides a sense of assurance which no amount of technology can. Also, unlike technology, the interaction is more direct and rich. Human barrier: From a thief’s point of view, it is extremely easy for him to plan and overcome technology than a security guard. The reasons being the unexpectedness and emotional elements which come with a security guard. An intruder will think twice before attacking a security personal rather than technology for the fear of an undesired outcome. Having stated the above, there is no intent of devaluing technology in any way. It’s just to showcase how some aspects covered by security guards are irreplaceable. In-fact, with proper training and knowledge, if we could couple guards with technology, it could prove to be the ultimate security solution.