Security guards or security officers are responsible for safe and proper working of any organisation, place or event. They ensure the safety and security of valuables, property and people. Even though their main duties involve guarding or patrolling the premises, they can be called upon in an emergency to work closely with help and rescue services such as the police and fire-fighters. Prevent crimes and unauthorised activities Security guards are responsible for protecting both people and premises from any unlawful activity such as theft or criminal damage. They also need to report any such activities to the police and ensure that all evidence is preserved at the scene of crime. They are also responsible for preventing any activities that are deemed unauthorised by their employers, such as loitering. Prevent losses through waste and damage This is another part of the job of a security guard. They need to be alert all the time to prevent any thefts or losses resulting from irresponsible usage of equipment or material. It can be something as trivial as people wasting too many paper glasses when drinking water, to a contractor pulling one over. Active monitoring of safety risks Alacrity is another desired quality in a security guard. They need to be alert at all times to detect and respond to any potential hazards or risks to security. Anything from a spill to a tampered door lock should be on their radar. Controlling Entry and Exit Security guards are also responsible for controlling both the entry and exit points to the premises. Sometimes they need to maintain records of who is entering the premises, when and for how long; in a log book. Responding to emergencies To ensure a proper response to emergencies, security guards are required to carry out regular drills. This involves letting everyone know what’s expected of them and also to reduce the response time. In case of an actual emergency, they are also responsible for contacting the emergency services and a proper evacuation of the premises. The role and responsibility of a security guard may vary depending on where he is working. In a retail store they may be focused on preventing thefts, whereas other times they may just be guarding a person. They need proper training for every job and may require a separate license for some roles. All security personnel employed by an agency that provides contract security services to clients, need to have SIA (Security Industry Authority) front line licence. However for in-house security duties when employed directly and working on the premises managed and operated by the employer, there are no such requirements. Powered by Colm
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