The Festive Period

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Also for those troublemakers. Here are some tips to make the festive period safe and secure for you. Be aware of your surroundings – Be sure to stay alert and keep an eye out for anything that doesn’t feel safe or makes you feel uncomfortable. Don’t get loaded with too many bags – Try to keep one hand free – Having both hands full of heavy Christmas shopping bags limits your ability to protect yourself. Share your bags with a friend where possible. Walk confidently – Even if you feel nervous – It will keep you focused and stop you from looking lost. Don’t walk with both headphones in your ears. You couldn’t  hear if someone is approaching you – Completely blocking out the sounds surrounding you is dangerous. If someone is approaching you from behind, your ears are your warning. Be careful where and how you park your car. Choose a well-lit space away from pillars and reverse into a position; it’s much easier to drive forward than reversing, especially in situations of stress and fear – Never leave your keys in the ignition, even just for a minute, and make sure to lock your doors both when you’re driving and parked. Unlocked doors and left keys make your car a tempting proposition for an opportunistic thief. If you think you are being followed, whether you’re in your car or on foot, don’t stop until you find a place with plenty of people around. If you’re extremely concerned, go to the nearest police station, or call the police. Do not make your way home until you are absolutely sure you are not being pursued. Control your social status: Don’t be tempted to broadcast to the world your location – In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever to let the world know what you are doing at any given moment. Never underestimate how far what you post online can travel. Only use taxis that are licensed. Find a service that you will use regularly and trust. Take a picture of the registration plate and send it to a friend – Share the taxi with a friend if you can, and always sit in the back. If you’re travelling on your own, be sure to tell a friend that you are leaving and send them a message letting them know you are home safe, so there is someone looking out for you. Be sure to not give any personal information to a chatty driver, no matter how friendly they may seem. Always make a note of the driver’s name, and also the make and colour of the car. Always wait for the bus or train in a well-lit place, near other people if possible. Try and arrange for someone to meet you at the bus stop or station – Always plan your journeys in advance. Work out where you’re going, which stop you need to take and your departure times – especially the last one home. Also be sure to have your fare ready to save you fumbling with your purse or wallet as you board. If you’re travelling on a bus at night, or if it’s empty, sit on the lower deck close to the driver. And if someone on board makes you feel uncomfortable, simply get up and change seats. Don’t think twice about it. Carry your keys on the way home – It saves time fumbling for them at the door and they can also be used as a weapon. We at G3 Security want you feel safe in any kind of personal and public situations. G3 Security Services provide all clients with exceptional services to protect persons. Hiring security officers puts companies and individuals at an advantage. Our officers can provide a physical presence. Overall, this aids to deter intruders or criminals from acting out of line. To learn more about our services please contact us via the information below T:  02032880000 / 02032880011 E: Committed, Responsible, Reliable

Why Need Security Company for Construction Site?

Theft of construction equipment and machinery costs the construction industry over £800 million a year. This is more than petty theft: there is a thriving, well-equipped black market for constructions goods which is kept in stock by gangs who can strip a construction site bare by morning. The costs are both immediate – from having to replace stolen equipment – and long term – from missed deadlines. Now such theft can be prevented if you hire a bespoke construction site security service from G3 Security Services. We have a vast amount of experience providing security for construction sites. We pride ourselves in our customer service and we provide a wide selection of SIA licensed, and fully trained guards, if you want peace of mind while you build, G3 Security is the trusted choice. Building materials and tools are the most susceptible to theft according to a report by Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), where 92% of the respondents had shared that they were aware of theft occurring at their sites and 91% of them had been affected by vandalism. Despite these conditions there are many ways the construction industry can protect itself and stay out of harm’s way. Manned Security Guards Security guards provide a multitude of benefits when used at construction sites. Along with being a visual deterrent to crime, they offer protection from any unwanted visitors around the property as they are trained to make real-time decisions and act accordingly to protect against theft or vandalism. Due to their flexibility of use, security guards can easily be deployed at multiple locations at once, providing comprehensive coverage of the location unlike CCTV which is limited to a fixed location. Furthermore, their presence provides a sense of security to clients and staff working at the site, leading to higher productivity as they are reassured of their safety K9 Security Dogs Security guard dogs have long been used as an additional resource of protection in the construction industry. As we all know, dogs are incredibly intelligent animals. They have an ability to pick up on our voices and body languages to translate a situation or emotion and are even more capable when they have been trained properly. They put this skill of theirs to good use and can sense when things are not quite right, whether with a person or with a situation. Dogs can detect danger, and the breeds that are chosen to be security dogs are not afraid to do something about it. The primary advantage of a K9 security unit is its ability to provide a complete perimeter search, without using expensive equipment. They can be leveraged to scan entry and exit points to deter potential security threats. AT G3 security we are concerned about safety. To learn more about our services please contact us via the information below T:  02032880000 / 02032880011 E: Committed, Responsible, Reliable